Date: Sun, 6 Mar 94 04:30:22 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #60 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Sun, 6 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 60 Today's Topics: - Hams: Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) APRS operations on 145.79??? Baycom modem Hamblaster Mailing List Help w/MFJ-1278 probx? MSK receiver? Packet Bulletins via Anonymous FTP Problem using Tcp/ip mailboxes from internet Tandy Model 100 and Baycom/PMP TPK 1.84. Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 28 Feb 94 17:33:40 GMT From: agate!!!NewsWatcher! Subject: - Hams: Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) To: In article <9402211823.kp249@SimTel.Coast.NET>, TPDugan@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL (Tim Dugan) wrote: > I have uploaded to the SimTel Software Repository (available by anonymous > ftp from the primary mirror site OAK.Oakland.Edu and its mirrors): > > pub/msdos/hamradio/ > Hams: Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) > > APRS avoids the complexity and limitations of trying to maintain a > connected packet radio network. It accomplishes the real-time display > of operational traffic via UI frame broadcasts and map displays. A > station with information to contribute transmits it, and all stations > receive it. > > APRS automatically tracks mobile packet stations interfaced to GPS > or LORAN, and works just as well with manual tracking. Specific > applications include weather nets, direction finding, plotting > satellite contacts, and so forth. > > Where is the Army-Navy game football, the event leader, the fire? > What's the weather like at various points in the county? Where are the > power lines down? Where is the flood, the hurricane, the earthquake? > > Uploaded for the author, Bob Bruninga, WB4APR @ WB3V.MD.USA > > Tim Dugan, KA3YYP > Is there a version of APRS software for the macintosh yet ...? If so, could you tell me what site I can get it from .... Thanx Keith .... --... ...-- ********************************************* Keith J Leite KA1AQB AX25 - KA1AQB @ WA1PHY.#EMA.MA.USA.NA AMPR - Internet - ********************************************** ------------------------------ Date: 1 Mar 94 05:52:41 GMT From:!!spdcc! Subject: APRS operations on 145.79??? To: Hello all, Recently, amateurs in the Omaha area where I live have been looking into getting an APRS network set up, and one thing that's been a concern of several people (myself included) is the fact that the "standard" frequency that is being used for APRS is 145.79 mHz. This seems to us to be much too close to the 145.80-146.00 satellite band, especially given the fact that APRS is designed for wide-area operation and people will probably be running some high-powered digipeaters, at least on a temporary basis for special events and probably on a permanent basis. It has also been mentioned that this frequency falls in a subband that has been suggested for experimental uses, and a permanent packet network based on established AX.25 protocols hardly seems experimental. What do you think? Are we being paranoid, or is it just that APRS isn't popular enough for people to have noticed? I'd like to see this discussed before people sart putting up fixed-frequency remote digis, etc that will be VERY hard to get moved. APRS looks like a great system, and I think it does need a coordinated frequency, but I don't think 145.79 should be that frequency. -- Tim Russell Most people would rather have comfort than freedom. The paradox is that you can't really have the former, in the long term, unless you have the latter. -- Amanda Walker ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 15:10:12 GMT From:!usc!!!!!pipex!sunic!psinntp!psinntp!gdstech!gdstech! Subject: Baycom modem To: Serdar, a digicom modem WON'T work on a phone line. It is only for sending and receiving packets from a radio. It has no onboard processor to execute any commands. It will not work with the usual communicatios software on a PC, like Procomm, Telix, etc. It needs special software to operate. -- *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Pat Masterson D12-25 | KE2LJ@KC2FD * * Grumman Data Systems | 516-346-6316. * * Bethpage, NY 11746 | * ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 14:00:15 GMT From:!!!!!ucsnews!!!pipex!sunic!psinntp!psinntp!laidbak!tellab5!jwa@network. Subject: Hamblaster Mailing List To: I'm trying to compile an e-mail list for those who wan't Hamblaster Updates. I'll include your address in the list and auto- matically send the updates. So if you want to be on the list e-mail your reply. --- Jack Albert WA9FVP Fellow Radio Hacker Tele (708) 378-6201 Tellabs Operations, Inc. FAX (708) 378-6721 1000 Remington Blvd. Bolingbrook, IL 60440 The daffinition of stupid "The guy reading this book. If he doesn't know the definition of stupid he is!" ------------------------------ Date: 4 Mar 1994 14:54:19 -0500 From: usc!!!!!!!!! Subject: Help w/MFJ-1278 probx? To: I have picked up a 1278 which has problems--I can talk to it but it doesn't seem to want to communicate out the far end. I can talk to its monitor program to change settings, using an IBM clone and ProComm, and I can even tell it to type out morse code, so the communication between the unit and the micro is okay, it seems. However, it I tell it to connect to itself, as per the manual's checkout instructions, it gives up after a few tries and says it can't find itself (that is, MYCALL is WB8VNV and "CONNECT WB8VNV" ends with "Too Many Retries"). Since it's used, I -think- but can't be -sure- I have all of the jumpers, etc., correct (note that the checkout procedure is done -without any connection to the radio-; it's an internal "connection"). The ham I got if from is hard to get hold of (-: (no, he's in and out of town on business, that's all), so can anyone give me pointers of what jumpers/settings I ought to recheck as critical? I've been through the manual so many times my eyes are glazed over. How is MFJ about servicing these--as good as TenTec? Many thanks for any help. Theodore Allan (Ted) Morris, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, 513-558-0177V, -2682F, MORRIS@UCUNIX.SAN.UC.EDU, MORRISTA@UC.EDU, WB8VNV Previous politically-incorrect tag-line removed. ------------------------------ Date: 1 Mar 94 16:21:08 GMT From: nprdc!!!!! Subject: MSK receiver? To: In article , (M{nnist| Tatu) writes: > > Does anyone know where to find or how to build a radio receiver that > picks up MSK (minimium shift keying) modulated 100 bits/sec data > transmitted on aprox 300 kHz carrier signal? > > This would be used to receive differential GPS-corrections from a > reference station. > > Any pointers? > -- > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tatu Mannisto Tampere Univ. of TeXnology > +358 31 434 456 home Internet: > +358 31 162 951 work (HB230) > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normally you would mix a LO with the ~ 300 khz to get say, a 50 khz IF, then use something like a EXAR 2211 FSK demod to recover the data. Or, use a phillips 615 (NE or SA) to do the mix, lo, and demod, all on one chip. -- SCOTTCR@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU aka Chris Scott- C/E Public Radio- Western KY U Telco: (502) 745-3834 Hm & Fax: (502) 781-1232 ...just another insignificant VAX user. \\\// (o o) --------------------------------------------ooO-(_)-Ooo----------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 4 Mar 1994 21:27:31 GMT From:!usc!!!!gatech!!!travis! Subject: Packet Bulletins via Anonymous FTP To: I am looking for anonymous ftp sites that keep recent packet bulletins. I already know about which has a fair number each day. Any suggestions appreciated. Bob / KA4SRT ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 5 Mar 1994 02:15:46 GMT From:!!unogate!!usc!!gatech!udel!!direct!! Subject: Problem using Tcp/ip mailboxes from internet To: Hello. I am on a 386 Bsdi 1.0 unix box using vt100 terminal emulation. The system I am using used to be under System V and there were no problems with telnet to places like Now, under Bsdi, however, when I hit enter I see the ^m. Also, when sending commands to packet nodes like the r command for routes I get an invalid command. I have a feeling that my enter and other commands are no longer processed right. Any suggestions? Thanks. 73 -- Darrell Shandrow at Arizona State University Member: National Federation of the Blind "Proud, Angry, and Strong" -- quoted from Jennifer Restle (The complete information access agenda - You print it you braille it too!) ------------------------------ Date: 4 Mar 94 14:39:50 GMT From: nprdc!!!att-out!cbfsb!! Subject: Tandy Model 100 and Baycom/PMP To: Has anyone figured out how to connect a Baycom/Poor Mans Packet circuit to a Tandy Model 100? I just finished building a Baycom modem for packet, and I'd just love to be able to use my portable, non-MSDOS compatible Model 100 as a terminal to at least receive those packets. Actually, we've been trying to get the Model 100 to decode the signals directly through the cassette port. All we've been able to do is CW so far. RTTY is next, unless someone has cracked that nut already ... Thanks, Mark KB2els ------------------------------ Date: 4 Mar 1994 18:27:09 GMT From:!!!!news.Arizona.EDU!!noao!ncar!gatech!!!sunic!isgate! Subject: TPK 1.84. To: Hello, does anyone know where I can ftp. the newes version of TPK, witch would be version 1.84. I already have versio 1.81. I am told that the support for BPQ is mutch better and the mail interface with the FBB BBS in the new version. So please e-mail or post if you know where to find TPK 1.84. 73 CUL de TF3BNT Benedikt Sveinsson Hateigsvegur 2 105 Reykjavik Iceland e-mail : packet : TF3BNT.ISL.EU ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #60 ******************************